

Our built heritage is a vast reservoir of knowledge covering traditional building, science, architecture, material and technologies responding to socio-cultural, geographical and climatic response of the past. There is much to learn from the buildings through conservation and restoration.


Environmental Conservation

There is much to do when it comes to rebuilding and protecting what’s left of natural resources, Land, Water and Air and the biodiversity within our ecosystem. Environmental conservation is an umbrella term that defines anything we do to protect our planet and conserve its natural resources so that every living entity can avail a good quality of life.


Heritage Conservation

Our heritage is all that has been passed to us by previous generations. It is all around us. Heritage conservation seeks to maintain and thereby increase the value of buildings by keeping their original built form and architectural elements. It favors their restoration rather than replacement.


Cultural Conservation

The conservation of cultural heritage deals with protection and care of tangible cultural heritage including: arts, crafts, food, language, dance forms, artefacts, rituals, festivals, costumes, customs and lifestyles.


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